Kotor 2 Goto Yacht Countmultiprogramem


Nar Shaddaa Intro Glitch, help or advice please!

When I travel to Nar Shaddaa, the scene plays out normally where Atton describes the smugglers moon and then after I've gone through all the conversation choices and selected the one that ends the scene (the one where you ask him to take the hawk down to the surface) , the movie file plays of the ebon hawk landing, then the scene where GOTO addresses the bounty hunters not to harm the jedi plays, but right in the middle of it my character spawns in his ship. The map screen says untitled and is blank white, and I can go talk to the characters, even GOTO, but I can't leave his ship. I have no idea how to get out of this. I do not have 1.0b because it actually adds glitches to the game. I have used kotor tool to extract the whole .erg file to a separate folder then place those files into the override folder, (which worked for the Telos Academy error), but all it did was cause even more problems at this point. Please, any help would be necessary. I keep spawning in GOTO's yacht in the middle of his conversation with the bounty hunters at the introduction of nar shaddaa.

Posted: jul 19, 2010 9:48 pm
  • Lootra was a Human male from Telos IV. He was separated from his wife, Aaida. By coincidence they both ended up on Nar Shaddaa, where they were reunited by Meetra Surik. Lootra had come to Nar Shaddaa following the end of the Mandalorian Wars, searching for his lost wife Aaida. Nar Shaddaa was his last hope of trying to find her, where he almost gave up hope until Surik offered to help him.
  • Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 2 Goto's Yacht Walkthrough 'Home filthy home.' Rann quickly assembled his crew, making sure they would be ready for anything on such a violent and dangerous planet. As he stepped off of the ship, the aroma of the planet hit him like a ton of bricks. Only his years of Jedi training had kept him.


I have the same exact problem. Please someone reply!

I have the same exact problem. Please someone reply!

Posted: jul 20, 2010 9:44 pm


if you are using a pc, use the cheat 'warp 301nar' in the console

if you are using a pc, use the cheat 'warp 301nar' in the console

You can use single-line text to create one or more lines of text, where each text line is an independent object that you can move, format, or otherwise modify. Right-click in the text box to select options on the shortcut menu. While you are in the TEXT command: Click elsewhere in a drawing to start a new set of rows of single-line text. Autocad text box command list.

Posted: jul 20, 2010 10:24 pm


Strange, I solved it, but still bugs

I used kotor tool to extract the .erg of 351Nar and 352Nar into a folder and then put the
files in the override folder in the SwKotor2 database. Then I extracted the RIMs for
351Nar (both the .rim and _s.rim) into a folder and placed them in the override. The next
part is a bit tricky. You must start the game and load up the file before you travel to
Nar Shaddaa. The cutscene will fully play out, with all correct models and dialogue, but
then you will have a conversation choice of a Number 2 (number 1 option is hidden) , the
number 2 option is to end conversation and examine the deck. The hidden number 1 option
allows you to leave the module and takes you right to the landing pad.
Though I strongly suggest that before you continue on to nar shaddaa, you let the cutscene
play out and when it comes down to the conversation choice you just do alt+f4 and close
the game. Now extract everything in the .ergs and .rim and _s.rim 's to another folder so
you can view the names. Delete the 351Nar rims and _s.rims from your override folder as it
will interfere with future gameplay. The next time you play the cutscene it will still
play correctly (my guess is the system somehow manages to read the game default files
correctly and the only bug here is that you still spawn with the conversation choice, just
be sure to press the first option and you will be free of this horrid problem forever!
Well, at least until you start another game bwahahahahahaaa!
There you go.

Posted: jul 20, 2010 11:32 pm
Kotor 2 goto ship guideKotor 2 goto yacht count

2 - Console & Utility Droid Using a character with the computer skill, slice into the console and download the 'overload' program. If you fail to do this, in order to get the optional 'overload' program, you will need to defeat Goto Guard Droids, witness their final transmission binary code, which has three bits labeled something like: ZERO ONE. SPOILER, KotOR 2 Stuck on Goto's Yacht (Can't beat enemies) Ok, so I enter the yacht, get past the mines and from thereon I can't beat the rest of the enemies. I have tried cheating, but couldn't get it to work. Download free microsoft word oriel fax template software windows 7. Free download amerigroup star program programs k-12.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords is the sequel to the acclaimed Knights of the Old Republic. It’s set in the Star Wars universe five years after the ending of the first game.

You follow the story of a Jedi who was exiled from the Jedi Order. The Order was almost wiped out by the Sith and you wake from unconsciousness with a mission to seek out the last few remaining Jedi.

Gameplay mechanics are virtually the same as Knights of the Old Republic although there are some notable additions such as the option to choose a fighting style while wielding a lightsabre. The mini-games of the first game are back, including swoop bike racing and Pazaak.

The full Knights of the Old Republic 2 walkthrough includes the original content plus the Restored Content mod which adds much more content that was left out in the original release.

Kotor 2 Goto Yacht Bridge

Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords was released in 2004, one year after the release of the original game, Knights of the Old Republic. It received positive reviews after it’s release although the game was left unfinished as LucasArts forced the developers, Obsidian, to finish the game within 16 months. This unfortunately meant that not only where there many bugs but that large sections of the content had to be cut from the game.

Kotor 2 Goto Yacht Count

Kotor 2 Goto Yacht Countmultiprogramem

Kotor 2 Goto Ship Guide

Star Wars fans got together and released a mod for KOTOR 2 called the Restored Content Mod. It cleared up around 500 bugs and added much more content. The walkthrough above assumes you have the Restored Content mod for KOTOR 2 installed.